My first experience in a programming class

My first experience in a programming class

As a pre-medical student

As a pre-medical student, I was pretty nervous sitting in a programming class. I was not confident about myself because I had no coding background. I love computers, like I am literally so passionate about computing and technology and I didn't even realize it until I got the opportunity to learn more about it. As a pre-med student I always got to hear things like.

"Medical students can never be good at programming."

"Medical students should never choose programming."

"It's gonna be a lose." etc. etc.

I was excited and nervous at the same time with only one question in my mind will I be able to do it? And I know I am not the only one who has been in this situation. Well! I went in took my first lecture of programming fundamentals. Not gonna lie, it was actually fun. I gained the confidence that I can do programming.

After that class I worked hard, everyone told me that programming is hard but my father always taught me one thing

If I can, I will

And I promised myself to stick to it throughout my life. I believe that

Everything happens for a reason

I couldn't go to Medical school, because this is where I belong to. I was made for this. The point of telling all this to you is if you want to, you can.

You just need the right environment, a little bit of motivation, focus and the right people around you. The right people do matter a lot. And you will achieve what you are working for. Your hard work never goes unrewarded.

I've learned C++, HTML and CSS till now. This is just the start, we have a long way to go. Come along with me in this journey. I'll keep you updated with everything I learn and help you with all your questions and confusions.

Thanks for reading!